Thursday, September 19, 2013

Total Colectomy

Dear bloggers,

So a lot as happened since my last post..........turns out fighting cancer is a full time job.  I have had to quite teaching at my studio.  On any given day I could have 3 to 5 doctors appointments or procedures scheduled.  I feel heart broken, I miss dancing.  I really do enjoy working with people and being active, which is no longer a possibility.  So I am working as the director and manager from home.  When I feel up for it I watch classes and make sure everything is processing they way it is suppose to.  I have hired an amazing staff and they are doing an exceptional job.

On the cancer front.......

We got the Brian Scan test results back, they were negative, which is great news, the cancer hasn't spread yet.  Also we got the Petscan back and it shows the cancer is limited to my breast and lymph nodes.  We also received the genetic test results as well, and it was negative, which means I get to keep my overies.  And my sister and mom can breath easy.

We got a second opinion from a better oncologist, so the game plan for kicking cancers butt has changed.  Instead of having my breast removed first, we had my colon removed, thus curing my UC.  I had the surgery done laparoscopically, which I highly recommend doing.  This way you aren't left with a huge incision and are able to heal faster.  There are only a few doctors that are able to do this, so do your research.

Having an illostomy has been quite the adjustment.  It has only been a week sense the surgery and I am still healing.  This is going to be quite the process of figuring out how to live my life with a bag.  Finding outfits that make me look normal is a challenge.  I have a small frame so a bag isn't easily concealed, sigh!  I ordered some wraps and underwear from this website and they seam to help, I just got them in today and they are good quality products.  The only problem is that they are kind of expensive.  I also have a home health nurse and a nutritionist that are a big help.  I am struggling with dehydration, which is a common problem with people who don't have a colon.  So I am doing my best to keep fluid intake up.  Loads of water, tea, popsicles, and jello.

Having my colon removed will allow us to start chemo and herceptin, these drugs will hopefully shriek the tumor thus making it easier to remove.  After the six rounds of chemo (each 3 weeks a part) I will be able to have my breast cancer removed surgically.  After that we will decide if more treatment is necessary.  Once I am cancer free I will be able to have the j-pouch surgeries, and get rid of the bag.  These are all depending on how everything goes, so the plan may change over time.  And we'll keep you posted.

If you are out there please keep the prayers coming.  We so appreciate it.  Sending love to all of you!

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