Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Post Radiation


Really thankful to put this part of treatment behind me.  Going in every day for 6 weeks wasn't fun.  The last 5 rounds of radiation was pretty darn painful.  I'm burned, pealing, and blistering.  My skin is in the process of healing right now as we speak.  I am putting Silver Sulfadiazine Cream and Aquaphor ointment on it two times per day.  And that seams to be helping.  The doctors told me that it might take 2 to 3 weeks for everything to fully heal up and regain my energy back.  I really can't complain too much, as I didn't have any problems until the very end. 

Currently, I am trying to decide what to do with reconstruction surgery.  I am fairly confused to weather or not I want this to happen.  I have a couple of doctors appointments to find out more about it, so hopefully I'll get some answers then.  Other than that I am just trying to enjoy the spring. 

Thanks for reading!