Exactly 10 days after my breast reconstruction surgery I had a major complication...........
I noticed a bit of a bruise on lefty, didn't think about it much and went to bed. In the morning my entire left breast was black, blue, and purple. I called my surgeon straight away, and she informed me that I needed to come into the hospital right away. I was freaking out majorly and was an emotional wreck.
Turns out that one of my veins that they connected the new tissue with had collapsed. This was a major problem. I was to be what my surgeon called, "sat on" for a couple of days to determine a course of action. What does this mean?
I was to be observed in the hospital. If things got worse, I would need emergency surgery. And I would lose lefty once again. They gave me blood thinners, to clear up the clots. Luckily my surgeon used two veins, she informed that some only use one vein, had that been the case I wouldn't have been able to keep my left breast. I was informed that it is actually really rare to have a vein collapse. I was feeling partially depressed, why is it always me?! Lefty actually tried to kill me again, what a trouble maker.
The blood thinners seamed to help, after a couple of days the bruising improved. And I got to return home from the hospital. However the flap started to shrink and therefore opened up around my incisions. So I have a large wound that I am taking care of. Keeping it clean by doing wet to dry, twice per day. Which basically involves putting gauze on after I shower, and then letting the gauze fall off in the shower. Seams to be working. It starting to close up, just taking it's time.
I am super happy I got to keep lefty.
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