Tuesday, May 14, 2013


For those of you who don't know me, I am OCD when it comes to organization.  I am one of those people that actually get excited to label and color code projects.  I know I'm a big dork!

When you have UC, it is vital to your health to be able to keep track of all the medications you are taking, your diet, how many BM's per day you are having, when your last period was, ect.  It gets to be a bit much at times.  I used to literally carry a binder with me that had all my health care information in it.

Which is why I wanted to share that I found this handy new app. called GI Buddy.  Best part about it is that is free.  It is also small and much more portable than a heavy bulky binder.  (Just don't lose your phone.)  The app allows you to track all your medications, symptoms, log the foods you eat, monitor your overall well being, log your exercise routine, it even generates reports to help you see trends in your IBD, and more!  I have only used it for a couple of days, and I am already finding it really helpful.

Now this one is just for the ladies out there!  Another app that I find helpful is P.D. (Period Diary).   It is fully animated app with a cute design.  It comes complete with a calendar that tracks your period, ovulation, moods, symptoms, and more.  It even predicts your future periods which can help you make plans.  Who wants to schedule a beach vacation during the middle of their period?  This is another free app.

I hope you find these tools as helpful as I have.  Have a wonderful day!  :)

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