Yay! I am officially off the Prednisone! And doing well overall. I've gained back 15#'s of the 30#'s I losted. My hubby and I went to Vail Colorado for a family vacation. After spending too much time in the hospital the past year it was just what we needed. Adventure! We went white water rafting, hiking, swimming, horse back riding, and enjoyed seeing the beautiful Rocky Mountains. Also we celebrated my 29th Birthday!
Hi ho hi ho it's back to work I go. This is a exciting time of year at the studio. We are gearing up for classes to start back up. So that means enrollment, open house, teacher training, restocking the dancewear store, etc. A fresh start for a new year! Awesome!
With all this going on I figured the last thing I needed was my allergies to start bothering me this fall. I'm basically allergic to everything! Soooooo I decided to start taking my allergy shots again. (I had stopped earlier this year because my UC flare was taking up all my time and energy, I just couldn't bring myself to do weekly shots and doctors appointments while I was feeling so crummy) Apart of the problem with the shots was that the medical clinic I went to get them at was an hour away from my home. So I decided to have them mail the shots closer to me. Apparently to get shots at my hometown doctors office, I had to be an established patient. Literally rolling my eyes right now! So I got a physical, and some lab work done. Guess what, on top of everything else I am hypoglycemic.
My doctor told me that basically my blood sugar level is really low. And I should eat snacks through out the day to help. Also he suggested eating apples and fruit, because they are difficult to digest and release sugar throughout the day. I had to contain my laughter, because it just isn't an option for me to eat these things without becoming deathly ill. I am still avoiding eating dairy, sugar, and most raw fruits and vegetables because it bothers my UC. I maintain a low fiber diet, and it works for me. It sucks, but it keeps the UC in check. So for now I am just snacking on crackers and apple sauce. We'll see how this hypoglycemia unfolds. Hopefully this doesn't develop into diabetes! Keeping my figures crossed!
Also I am anemia still! I am even taking iron supplements. So that was a bit frustrating. I guess it just takes awhile for your body to heal after being flared up for the better part of a year.