Thursday, July 11, 2013


Hey all!  Well I am happy to say that I am currently doing alright.  I am tapering off of Prednisone, I am down to only 20mg.  I am a bit fearful that I will flare back up especially since in the past year every time I get lower than 20mg of Prednisone I flare back up.  So we will see how this goes.  Biggest complaints about weaning off Prednisone;

  • Hair loss (my hair has started to thin out, as a result I got a fancy new really short hair cut)
  • Hormons (I seam to cry a lot more over dumb things, I'll be watching SYTYCD and I'll get emotional.)
  • Shakiness (My hands shake the first two-three days I go down by 5mg on the Prednisone, just like a regular drug addict. Awesome!)
  • Loss of Sleep (I usually I am unable to sleep the first couple of days of being on a lower dosage)
  • Hot Flashes (Sometimes I get hot flashes, sexy I know)
  • Exhaustion (I feel tired all the time)
Hopefully the next 4 weeks of tapering off the Prednisone go well.  Wish me luck!  I thought I would also share this article of FMT that was in the New York Times.  I can honestly say that it is a good read.  And that I think the FMT is the reason why I am doing so well now, it works!